Global Abitrator
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The following model clauses may be adopted by the parties to a contract who wish to have any dispute referred to the sole arbitration of Mr. Rizvi:
We, the undersigned parties, hereby agree that the dispute concerning [insert a brief and accurate description of the dispute] shall be submitted to arbitration and the Judgment on any award issued under this provision may be entered by any court of competent jurisdiction.
Sole Arbitrator
The arbitral tribunal shall be composed of Mr. Ahsan Zahir Rizvi of 222 Endsleigh Court, London WC1H 0HD as the sole arbitrator.
Place of arbitration
The place of arbitration shall be [choose city and country]. The proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the arbitration law of the place of the arbitration.
Arbitration Proceedings
The arbitration shall be undertaken according to the [detail the applicable rules, e.g. CIArb, ICC, LCIA, SIAC, DIAC, etc.]
Language of arbitration
The language of the arbitration proceedings shall be English
Governing Law
The dispute referred to arbitration shall be determined in accordance with the laws of [choose the relevant law].